Savage, and rightly so.

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Another great column. I had no idea Siegel worked on Cool McCool. I heard Bob Kane speak at SDCC many years ago when he was promoting his memoir, and he said he regretted not giving more credit to Bill Finger, but made the same excuse—back then it was "one creator name only," even though that's disproven by the most famous previous example.

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'One creator name only'? Like Simon and Kirby? Andru & Esposito? Siegel and Shuster? Lee & Kirby (on dozens of things)?

Typical of Kane, he'd go to any length to continue the lie rather than just giving in and telling the truth. People would have had a lot more respect for the guy if he'd simply said, "Look, the contract I had specified my name only. And DC wouldn't change that, and I couldn't or it'd void the contract." But, nope, he'd rather make some bullshit up.

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